The Stallworth OhYes! Foundation

As Dr. Stallworth rummaged his mind to write his memoir, the memories of Reverend John Wesley Rice and the critical role he played in his high school years surfaced. In fact, "Chapter 17: Reverend John Wesley Rice—My UnSung Hero,” tells the story of the Reverend’s contribution to his journey.

The recall of Reverend Rice and his help inspired him to establish the Stallworth OhYes! Foundation (501c3) to help future college and medical school students, as Reverend Rice helped him. Students who have the grades and the will to work hard but have no money for tuition and room and board and other expenses.

How to Donate

The Stallworth OhYes! Foundation (501c3) depends on donations. The monies from the sale of his memoir will help to establish more scholarships at Howard University and Meharry Medical College, his alma maters.

His journey was arduous, not smooth sailing. There were academic challenges at Howard and social life distractions. The scholarships helped, but he worked the four years while at Howard, including the summers. But he could only work summers during medical school, because the medical school curriculum was too demanding. 

His recall of the help from Reverend Rice inspired Dr. Stallworth to fund full four-year scholarships at Howard University and Meharry Medical College to help students as Reverend Rice helped him. 

Reverend Rice was a rainbow in young Otto Stallworth, Jr.’s cloud of doom.

The Stallworth OhYes! Foundation depends on donations to help fund more scholarships in the future. There are many Black students with the required brainpower, determination and drive, but not have the funds to pursue their dream of a college education. 

Be a Rainbow in a Needy Student’s Cloud!


Requirements for a Scholarship:

  • You’re a Black American student in need of financial assistance in your pursuit of higher education

  • You must have been admitted to Howard University or Meharry Medical College

  • A commitment to help others in the future

The Foundation requires one payback from the recipients of the Stallworth OhYes! Foundation scholarships. A commitment to help someone as the Foundation helped them.

Dr. Stallworth says, “It’s never too late to help. I didn’t take action until I got to the fourth quarter (retirement). I called a timeout, and recalled the help I had received, then huddled with myself, called a play (the Foundation), that I hope will end with support to provide many touchdowns (scholarships).”

The Stallworth OhYes! Foundation’s mission is to provide financial help for Black-American high school and college students, especially Black male students, who have the academic grades and the motivation, but lack the money to pursue their dreams. The scholarships, at the present time, are only at Howard University and Meharry Medical College, his alma maters.

The History: Rev. Rice- A Rainbow in My Cloud!

When Dr. Stallworth was in the 12th grade, his dream of college and medical school seemed unachievable and the future cloudy and dismal when he had to face reality. The reality a college education took money. He had the dream. He had the grades and determination, but his parents didn’t have the money.

Fortunate for him, he had help. Help from Reverend John Wesley Rice, who was a neighbor, and the minister of a Presbyterian church close to Dr. Stallworth’s home, and he was his high school counselor.

Reverend John Wesley Rise, with his daughter Condoleezza Rice.

Reverend Rice found a way for him to pay his tuition and room and board by a new and not well known government loan and scholarship program based on need which allowed him to attend Howard University and Meharry Medical College. Without Reverend Rice’s research, knowledge, and perseverance, he may not have attended Howard University or any college.

He had a simple guiding mantras, repeated to him as a child by his mother: "Where there is a Will, there is a Way!"

Be a Rainbow in a Needy Student’s Cloud!
