“Are you a N****r or a Doctor?”

A Memoir

Chapter 41 Preview

Chapter 16 Preview

50 years ago on September 15, 1963, the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama was bombed and four young Black girls were killed. I knew the girls. I knew their families.

Chapter 11 Preview

Football, college & NFL, began with a bang recently! It brought mind my high school football experience:

Chapter 23 Preview

I decided I wanted to pledge Kappa. For me, it was the same thing that drove me to try out for football and basketball in high school—a way to belong:

Chapter 13 Preview

My mother was 30 years-old when I was born. When she was 41 and I was 11, she shared a nightmarish event which occurred in Selma, Alabama when she was 12. I wanted to cry:

Chapter 10 Preview

Listen to an exclusive clip from Chapter 10 of the audiobook:

The details of Dr. Stallworth’s life in his memoir are evocative of friendships, falling in love, and marriages; and a great variety of occupations ranging from discovering and managing a famous music group to driving a city bus on his first trip to Chicago to becoming a doctor.

His writing style itself is clear and effective, quirky and compelling, especially the descriptions of friendships from early childhood on, and falling in love, and the humorous stories. There are sad times described, and traumas and problems, but Dr. Stallworth gives these a full range of emotions and I think the reader really feels what the author, Dr. Stallworth, felt, or close to it.

Probably more important, the reader can learn from it.

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